Me and Nick went back to Jersey on Sunday and had a good dinner.
We threw a football and tried to hacky sack in the dark.
Its not easy.
This is the known photo of my Grandma that now hangs in my old room. My dad took it in 1966 and it has always hung in our various houses growing up. I think its great.
It reminded me to scan some chromes and prints I found while rummaging in her house during my last visit to England. I swiped a bunch of dumpster bound photos and scanned 'em today at Printspace. Here's a few of my favorites...
An old Polyfoto my Grandma had made for her passport.
Pretty cool huh? Its sharp too..
I'm guessing she used that passport to go to India where these next couple were taken.
Here's my postwar dad on the left and some little schemers on the right.
My dad as a young teen with his two younger brothers. This print is amazing..its about two inches square but holds so much detail. I could print this scan 16"x16" and it wouldn't lose much.
The back of the above photo
Mysterious grainy snapshot of my Grandma.
My Ma spazzing out.
Another strange moment
I don't know who would've taken this one but its great. My Grandpa and Grandma on some riverbank.
Then I found some of these amazing 2 1/4 Kodachromes. This is my Grandma and Uncle Simon in Switzerland.
Good ol' fashioned double exposures.
I'm guessing my Dad took this...
Anyways..better here that in a dumpster right?