A little late in the game on this but I'm jumping over to Tumblr. I'll keep this blogspot up as archive of the last 4 years.

Once my new website is done I'll start trying to post on the regular. I'm also planning on doing some tweaks to the way it looks.
In case your not in the photo world and want to see other stuff here's a list of friends and other folks I was following with the Soybean tumblr:
Adam Golfer http://adamgolfer.tumblr.com/
All The Things We Love http://allthethingswelove.tumblr.com/Ben Grieme http://blog.bengrieme.com/
Booooooom http://booooooom.tumblr.com/
Bryan Schutmaat http://bryanschutmaat.tumblr.com/
Clarke Tolton http://blog.clarketolton.com/
Covet Arts http://covetarts.tumblr.com/
Daniel Seung Lee http://blog.danielseunglee.com/
Daniel Shea http://danielshea.tumblr.com/
Elizabeth Weinberg http://scrapbook.elizabethweinberg.com/
Emiliano Granado http://quesofrito.tumblr.com/
Geordie Wood http://tumblr.geordiewood.com/
Grant Cornett http://thelivest1.com/
Jake Stangel http://tumblr.jakestangel.com/
Je Suis Perdu http://jesuisperdu.tumblr.com/
Jennilee Marigomen http://jennilee.tumblr.com/
Joao Canziani http://subliminous.com/
Jody Rogac http://blog.jodyrogac.com/
Justin Hollar http://blog.justinhollar.com/
Justin James Reed http://justinjamesreed.tumblr.com/
LPV http://photographsonthebrain.com/
Mark Hartman http://markhartmanphoto.tumblr.com/
Mark Peter Drolet http://mpdrolet.tumblr.com/
Michael Christopher McCraw http://tinytinybirds.tumblr.com/
Mossless http://blog.mosslessmagazine.com/
Myles Little http://mylespictures.tumblr.com/
Noah Kalina http://blog.noahkalina.com/
Paul Octavious http://www.geniusvomit.com/
Peter Nidzgorski http://thisisn'thappiness.com/
Randall Phenning http://blacksheepsquadron.tumblr.com/
Ryan Pfluger http://ryanpfluger.tumblr.com/
Time Magazine Lightbox http://timelightbox.tumblr.com/
Tony Luong http://tonyluong.tumblr.com/
Wayne Bremser http://bremser.tumblr.com/
also...I don't know what happened to the colors of the text on this page but its all messed up
Ryan Pfluger http://ryanpfluger.tumblr.com/
Time Magazine Lightbox http://timelightbox.tumblr.com/
Tony Luong http://tonyluong.tumblr.com/
Wayne Bremser http://bremser.tumblr.com/
also...I don't know what happened to the colors of the text on this page but its all messed up