We went to this beach on a location scout today. Behind the rock was a big surf break with Ipanema as a backdrop. There are huge towers mounted with daylight balanced light bulbs pointed at the ocean so people can surf at night!!
Just got back from Rome. I can't post the majority of my behind the scenes photos till Luis' story comes out next year. Lots of specific props on the shoot. Here's a panorama of the city..
A model standing in front of the Square Colosseum.. my favorite building in Rome. This photo was taken in a whole separate part of the city that Mussolini built during the 30's. Every building in the neighborhood looked like this..square, clean, and white..and its opening in 1942 was supposed to celebrate 20 years of fascism.
The lookout stand on top of Pikes Peak in Colorado.
Pikes Peak is 14,400 feet high. The summit has half the oxygen of sea level so every movement leaves you winded. It was 84 degrees at the bottom and 37 degrees when I took this photo from the top.... everything about this place blew my mind.
More photos from last Thursday. Luis used a plus size model and we played with light wrapping around her body.
Checking reflections off a dress.
Floating hairdo
Yet another hair and makeup picture
We just finished printing in the darkroom a few hours ago. This was the first of eight shoots we have to do in the next five weeks. Updates might get a little spotty.